
Discover Mountain Harvest Pine Pollen™

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Discover Mountain Harvest Pine Pollen™

RAW Forest Foods  ✖  Mountain Harvest Pine Pollen™

This is your opportunity to awaken the innate. This is Mountain Harvest Pine Pollen™.

Learn More & Begin Your Journey

RAW Pine Pollen™

The essential: Available as powders, in capsules, and as chewable tablets. 

RAW Pine Pollen is the starting point for integrating Pine Pollen into your daily routine and taking full advantage of everything it has to offer you.

RAW Pine Pollen™ delivers a rich source of living enzymes, co-enzymes, phyto-chemicals—such as methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), phyto-sterols (plant analogues of the androgen hormones), and a pleathora of supporting flavonoids, nucleic acids, saccharides, unsaturated fatty acids, 20 different amino acids (and all nine essential amino acids), vitamins, and over 30 different micro and macro minerals.

In 12+ years of experience, RAW Pine Pollen™ remains the constant favorite for harnesing the full potential that Pine Pollen has to offer: reparative nutrition that aids in revealing the inner vitality that can become lost with time.

Pine Pollen Tinctures

Discover Pure Royal Pine Pollen Tincture and our own Master Formulas.

Pine Pollen Tinctures target the naturally occuring Phytosterols—the Phyto-Androgenic analouges of the male androgenic hormones.

Due to its highly absorbent nature, tincturing pure, RAW Pine Pollen™ proves to be an unusually difficult task. While others resort to producing weak extractions or to tincturing the pollen-containing catkins (which are low in Phyto-Androgens), we developed a unique dual-extraction tincture.

This process allows us to produce a potent 1:2 extraction ratio in a bioavailable tincture. One that is quick to absorb and provides you with the quality—and strength—you deserve.

Pine Pollen Tinctures can be used alone or an adjunct to the foundational properties of RAW Pine Pollen™ (our favorite combination).

Pine Pollen Extract Powder

Our Ultra-Pure Pine Pollen Extract—In Capsules, Powders, and Formulas.

We enjoy being the first. In 2010, we were the first to market with RAW Pine Pollen™ and Pine Pollen Tinctures.

 In 2012, we were the firtst to market with Pine Pollen Extract Powder. Seeing an opportunity to improve, we then developed our Ultra-Pure Pine Pollen Extract Powder, a 50:1 concentration that not only offers unparelled strength, but is devoid of the hidden fillers present in other extracts.

Pine Pollen Extract offers customers a sweet spot—a best of both worlds—between the rich nutrients and restorative nutrition present in RAW Pine Pollen™ and of the targeted Phyto-Androgens present in Pine Pollen Tincture.

Pine Pollen Extract combines especially well with Stinging Nettle Root, excels when used alone, and creates an ideal backbone for our integrative Pine Pollen Alchemy daily tonic.

Mountain Harvest RAW Pine Pollen™

Essential & Foundation: Available in Capsules, Powders, & Chewable Tablets

Mountain Harvest Pine Pollen™ Tinctures

Masterful Dual-Stage Extractions for the Strongest Tinctures Available

Mountain Harvest Pine Pollen™ Ultra-Pure Extract Powder

Available as a Pure, Single Ingredient Extract & as Master Formulas — In Capsules & Powders

See What Our Customer Are Saying

Read More Customer Reviews

Royal Pine Pollen Tincture

This tastes like a beautiful day on a mountain side trail, a male mountain side trail. 

— Peter T.

Pine Pollen and Lion's Mane Extract Capsules

My first product & the one that started my healing of all autoimmune disorders, including MS & Hashimoto’s Disease! 

— Brian G.

Pine Pollen Extract Capsules

Been taking for almost a year. I feel so much better. 

— Maralee O.

Pine Pollen Alchemy Elixir Tincture

So far so great!

I take it every morning upon waking up and feels like I have the extra energy in my training by end of day.

Plus, it gives me great libido help. 

Also love the hormone support it gives and will check my testosterone when I get my blood levels checked to see that my numbers are in check.

— N. Garcia III

Royal Pine Pollen Tincture

This Pine Pollen product (along with all the others offered) are top-notch quality in terms of packaging, freshness and impact.

Noticeable difference in mood, energy and immunity within several hours and compared to other supplements of the same variety offered, the potency and effect of this has kept me coming back as a return customer for 5+ years.

Specific to pine pollen, I have yet to find another company offering the same calibre of quality and price point.

This is great for workouts, strenuous physical activity and general vitality - especially for older generations.

Kudos to the Raw Forest Foods team for never compromising quality whilst retaining a reasonable price point.

10/10 would recommend! 

— Derek

Eros' Arrow Pine Pollen Aphrodisiac Elixir

I was a little concerned with the dilution of Pine Pollen Tincture being distilled to 1:2 and I found the Royal Pine Pollen less potent.

BUT, I gotta say this Eros’ Arrow Elixir is the bomb.

RAW Forest Foods has assembled a number of all star androgenic herbs that are thoughtfully combined with Pine Pollen tincture to make for a very potent product.

The Pine Pollen nicely supplements these other herbs.

Three droppers full taken occasionally is enough to produce the benefits as advertised.

Great product.

— Ben