
Is it Aphro-Tea-siac or Aphro-Chai-siac: More Lovers Tea

Is it Aphro-Tea-siac or Aphro-Chai-siac: More Lovers Tea


Is it Aphro-Tea-siac or Aphro-Chai-siac: More Lovers Tea

Semi-inspired by the tea I blogged about on Valentine's Day, and also semi-inspired by a tea blend from the lovely local Worts & Cunning Apothecary (this website is no longer active)  , and mostly inspired by traditional, delicious, chai tea, I just whipped up a batch of, well, is it Aphro-Tea-siac or Aphro-Chai-siac? Whatever you call it it’s going to be tasty and spicy and you should make some.

Play around with the recipe, I made it super spicy but you might like it differently.

  • Fennel or Anise
  • Cardamom Pods (I cut these up and also left some whole for looks)
  • Whole Cloves
  • Raw Cacao Nibs
  • Damiana
  • Cut and sifted Licorice
  • Ginger (I used powdered because it’s what I had on hand, cut and sifted would be better)
  • Black Pepper Corns
  • Kava Kava (use powdered, because Kava Kava is not very water soluble)
  • Bay Leaves (I cut these up)
  • First Pass Organic Darjeeling

Again, play around with the proportions, and play around with the ingredients. The important thing is that you make something and have fun!

If you're worried about the estrogen content of the licorice, the ginger will counter-balance that by removing estrogen from the system. Damiana, contrary to popular belief, is not an estrogenic herb, and earns its reputation as an aphrodisiac by increasing blood flow (yes, that includes increasing blood flow everywhere).

For you folks who are feeling a little Yang excess and Yin deficient, this might not be the tea for you.


Feb 17, 2011 Ryan Wade

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