
Understanding the Colors of Tongkat Ali: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding the Colors of Tongkat Ali: A Comprehensive Guide

The Three Colors of Tongkat Ali

Tongkat Ali, also known as Pasak Bumi or Longjack, is a revered traditional herbal medicine from Southeast Asia. This plant, scientifically named Eurycoma longifolia Jack, is renowned for its various therapeutic benefits, primarily derived from the light-colored bark of its roots. With its growing popularity, the misidentification and mislabeling of other plants as Tongkat Ali have become common.

This article aims to educate readers on the importance of correctly identifying Tongkat Ali, the distinctions between the different colors, and why accurate identification is crucial for safe and effective use.

The Importance of Accurate Botanical Identification

Differentiating authentic Tongkat Ali ( Eurycoma longifolia Jack) from other plants is vital for several reasons:

  • Therapeutic Efficacy: Research supporting the benefits of Tongkat Ali is specific to Eurycoma longifolia Jack. Misidentified plants may not offer the same health benefits.
  • Safety: Using misidentified plants can pose health risks due to unknown or unstudied compounds.
  • Historical Use: Authentic Tongkat Ali has a long history of use in traditional medicine, providing a robust foundation for its efficacy and safety.
Close up of Tongkat Ali leaves.

Understanding the Colors of Tongkat Ali

Tongkat Ali is often classified by color—White, Yellow, Black, and Red. Understanding these classifications ensures you are using the correct plant with verified therapeutic benefits.

White and Yellow Tongkat Ali

White and Yellow Tongkat Ali both refer to the authentic Eurycoma longifolia Jack. The therapeutic properties are derived from the light-colored bark of its roots, producing a yellowish extract.

In Malay and Indonesian, it is known as Bedara Putih (White Tongkat Ali) and Pasak Bumi Kuning (Yellow Tongkat Ali), with "Putih" meaning "white" and "Kuning" meaning "yellow."

  • Botanical Identity:Eurycoma longifolia Jack
  • Appearance: Light-colored bark, yellowish extract
  • Local Names: Bedara Putih and Pasak Bumi Kuning
  • Therapeutic Benefits: Supported by extensive research, including enhanced physical performance, hormonal balance, and anti-inflammatory effects.

Black Tongkat Ali

Black Tongkat Ali refers to the plant Polyalthia bullata, which is not botanically related to Eurycoma longifolia Jack. Despite potentially having phytotherapeutic benefits, Polyalthia bullata lacks the extensive historical use and scientific evidence supporting the benefits of Eurycoma longifolia Jack.

In Malay and Indonesian, Black Tongkat Ali is known as Pasak Bumi Hitam, with "Hitam" meaning "black."

  • Botanical Identity:Polyalthia bullata
  • Appearance: Darker bark
  • Local Names: Pasak Bumi Hitam
  • Therapeutic Benefits: Not well-studied or supported by extensive research.

Red Tongkat Ali

Very little is known about Red Tongkat Ali, and its botanical identity is unconfirmed. The closest identification available is Stema tuberosa, though this plant is not well-documented in scientific literature. Sometimes, Stemona tuberosa, used therapeutically in Chinese medicine and known as Bai Bu (Hundred Parts), is mistaken for Red Tongkat Ali. Bai Bu is used for treating parasites, moisturizing the lungs, and relieving coughing.

In Malay and Indonesian, Red Tongkat Ali is referred to as Pasak Bumi Merah, with "Merah" meaning "red." Further research is necessary to verify the existence, safety, and effectiveness of Red Tongkat Ali. Current searches yield no scientific entries for " Stema tuberosa" or "Pasak Bumi Merah," except for discussions on authentic Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia Jack) as a potential alternative treatment for osteoporosis through its testosterone replacement properties.

  • Botanical Identity: Uncertain, potentially Stema tuberosa
  • Appearance: Unverified
  • Local Names: Pasak Bumi Merah
  • Therapeutic Benefits: Not well-documented or supported by research.
Preparing Tongkat Ali

Why This Matters

  • Ensuring Efficacy: Using the correct type of Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia Jack) ensures you receive the benefits documented in scientific studies and traditional use, such as enhanced physical performance, hormonal balance, and anti-inflammatory effects. Misidentified plants may not provide these results and could lead to ineffective treatment.
  • Avoiding Adverse Effects: Authentic Tongkat Ali has a well-studied safety profile. In contrast, misidentified plants like Polyalthia bullata or unidentified Red Tongkat Ali have unknown compounds that could pose health risks. Using the authentic plant minimizes these risks.
  • Preserving Tradition:Eurycoma longifolia Jack has a rich history in traditional medicine, providing a cultural and historical context that supports its use. Using the authentic plant respects and continues this tradition.
Sliced Tongkat Ali Roots

Concluding Thoughts

Accurate identification and classification of Tongkat Ali are essential for its effective and safe use. The authentic Eurycoma longifolia Jack has a well-documented history of use and substantial research support. Other plants like Polyalthia bullata (Black Tongkat Ali) and potential candidates for Red Tongkat Ali do not share the same research backing or historical use. Understanding these distinctions ensures that users and practitioners rely on the correct plant for its scientifically supported benefits.

Continued scientific investigation into the lesser-known varieties, particularly Red Tongkat Ali, is necessary to fully understand their potential therapeutic roles. Accurate identification and ongoing research will help maximize the therapeutic benefits of Tongkat Ali and prevent the potential risks associated with misidentified species.

Jun 26, 2024 Ryan Wade

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