
Another Video on Pine Pollen as Food

wild harvesting pine pollen

Wild Harvesting Pine Pollen as Food

The web is starting to blow up with all kinds of good things, and with that, a lot of great information about Pine Pollen as food. Here is an excellent video about the pine tree and all the edibles that come from it from the YouTube channel Eat The Weeds.

All of the videos are highly recommended if you are interested in wild foods and foraging for them. Even if you don't have the time to wild harvest foods, or the luxury of living near a space to do so, wild foraging and harvesting plants and foods is definitely worth learning about, for a variety of reasons. Here, I recommend learning about wild foods because they contain all of the nutrition missing from our modern diets, and hold the keys to the solutions to many new diseases. Check out any of Stephan Buhner's books for more information about this.They're also free and that's pretty great. For some "hands on" learning, watch these videos.

Learn about Pine Pollen from Eat the Weeds

Thanks to Deane at Eat the Weeds for a very thorough and informative collection of videos.

Sep 12, 2010 Ryan Wade

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