

The Deleterious Effects of Coffee: A Chinese Medicine Perspective

The Deleterious Effects of Coffee: A Chinese Medicine Perspective

How Excessive Heat, Dampness, and Stimulation Are Impacting Health and Vitality Within Chinese Medicine, the balance and flow of qi (vital energy; qì; 气) and the preservation of yuan qi (original qi; yuán qì; 元气) and jing (essence; jīng; 精) are fundamental to maintaining health and vitality. Maintaining, preserving, and even restoring these fundamental reserves is a daily practice, and paramount to that is understanding how the choices we make on a daily basis—from lifestyle to diet—impact the …
Jun 04, 2024 Ryan Wade
The 8 Types of Qi

The 8 Types of Qi

The Ephemeral Qi; the Substantial Qi Qi is not an abstraction. It is not esoteric nor strictly the material of mystics. While in the US and other Western countries we imbue qi with a deep sense of other-worldliness, steeped in new age mythology, qi is actually just a simple, almost colloquial way to describe energy. In traditional Chinese, for instance, the word weather is written as 天氣 (tiān qi). To be angry is to have rising qi (dú qì). Qi is quite simply—and completely complicated—energy. …
May 10, 2024 Ryan Wade
Enhancing Male Fertility and Overall Health: The Nutritional Impact of Nuts on Sperm Quality

Enhancing Male Fertility and Overall Health: The Nutritional Impact of Nuts on Sperm Quality

Enhancing Sperm Health: A Comprehensive Approach The Significance of Sperm Health Recent research by the Human Nutrition Unit at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) has underscored a simple yet effective strategy for improving sperm quality: incorporating nuts into one's diet. This revelation emerged from a 2019 study highlighting the impact of certain nuts on sperm health in individuals following a typical Western diet. Insights from the 2019 Study The study in question, con …
Aug 14, 2019 Ryan Wade