

How Soft Drinks Impact your Health - A Visual Guide

How Soft Drinks Impact your Health - A Visual Guide

How Soft Drinks Impact your Health -- A Visual Guide Maybe it’s the librarian in me, but I just really, really love smart visual representations of information. While many of us know to stay away from soda like it’s the Bubonic Plague and the year is 1400, the truth of the matter is that overwhelmingly people continue to drink it and they have no idea how bad it is. It doesn't matter if it’s Coke or something organic, regular or diet. Soda is deadly. Here's the rundown (and find it …
Jan 15, 2012 Ryan Wade

Herbal Interventions for Boosting Male Fertility

Endocrine Strengthening Formula Capsules | The Professionals' Choice In our ongoing quest to transform health, we are extremely excited to offer our potent Endocrine Strengthening Formula (ESF) Capsules. Using the same Five Point formula as our popular ESF tincture, we developed our capsules with the highest quality powdered extract. For restoring strong testosterone levels and minimize the detrimental effects environmental (xeno) estrogen, our ESF capsules are your key element …
Dec 08, 2011 Ryan Wade
Big Changes to the RAW Forest Foods Store

Big Changes to the RAW Forest Foods Store

Big Changes to the RAW Forest Foods Store Today there were big changes which swept through the RAW Forest Foods store. These changes were long overdue for inventory control here, and they also mark a huge turning point in our products and packaging. This change came because we are integrating an ecologically conscious method of packaging and delivering our products, while at the same time making them more user-friendly with reusable packages. The big changes that took place to …
Oct 17, 2011 Ryan Wade

Introducing Pine Pollen Powdered Extract

Pie Pollen Powdered 10:1 Extract We are proud to introduce our newest addition to our Pine Pollen collection. This is a full 10:1 powdered extract of our Mountain Harvest Pine Pollen. We have contracted with a leading medicinal herb manufacturer to produce this one-of-a-kind extract; Pine Pollen extract another RAW Forest Foods first. Over ten parts of RAW Pine Pollen go into producing just one part of this extract. It has a sweet, almost malt flavor to it, and is delicious combined with ju …
Oct 11, 2011 Ryan Wade
Saw Palmetto Might not be Your Wonder Tonic

Saw Palmetto Might not be Your Wonder Tonic

Saw Palmetto Might not be Your Wonder Tonic Since working on the article Herbal Interventions for Male Infertility , I have been doing a lot of research into the commonly indicated herb Saw Palmetto ( Serenoa repens) berry. Saw Palmetto is an extremely common herb, one of the few that have permeated popular culture and have become ubiquitous in health food stores and many mainstream grocery and drug stores. Most often, it is indicated, and used, for prostate health. It is widel …
Sep 20, 2011 Ryan Wade

Herbal Intervention for Male Infertility

Herbal Intervention for Male Infertility Most often, issues of infertility are placed on the female partner of the couple trying to conceive. It is estimated that between 10 percent and 20 percent of couples living in the US and Europe are affected by infertility, when infertility is measured as failure to conceive after 12 months of trying to conceive (unprotected intercourse). When thinking about infertility, most people tend to think of it being an issue just regarding women, and t …
Sep 16, 2011 Ryan Wade
Defense-Related Proteins and Camellia Sinensis Pollen

Defense-Related Proteins and Camellia Sinensis Pollen

Defense-Related Proteins and Camellia Sinensis Pollen Recent laboratory research into Camellia Sinensis Pollen has uncovered some really exciting news about one of my all-time favorite foods: pollen from the tea plant--Camellia Sinensis. Slowly, more and more attention is being placed on Camellia Pollen, and for good reason, and every day we receive numerous e-mails from people telling us how much they love it too. We have been aware of the profound effects of this pollen for some t …
Aug 29, 2011 Ryan Wade
Announcing Pine Pollen Powder Extract (10:1)

Announcing Pine Pollen Powder Extract (10:1)

Pine Pollen Powder Extract (10:1) In celebration of life, health, and longevity, RAW Forest Foods is pleased to announce the world premier of Pine Pollen Powder Extract. This is a water extract of the highest quality Pinus Massoniana pollen, and results in a 10:1 extraction potency. Just like our RAW Pine Pollen, the pollen in our extract is collected only from select Pinus massoniana trees, from remote forests, and only within a three day time period. Before extraction, the p …
Aug 23, 2011 Ryan Wade

Combining Neurogenisis with DNA and Telomere Repair

Combining Neurogenisis with DNA and Telomere Repair Ever since watching this TED Talk with Aubrey de Grey, where he introduces his theory of reversing/slowing down mitochondrial aging, I have known there is a deeper wisdom (and a much more easily accessible mechanism) in how cells age, and what can be done to both slow that process down and reverse unwarranted--premature--aging that has been caused by environmental and lifestyle effects. Interestingly enough, and to no su …
Aug 20, 2011 Ryan Wade

Why We Recommend Our Endocrine Strengthening Formula

Why do We Always Recommend our Endocrine Strengthening Formula? We receive a lot of e-mails at RAW Forest Foods about our Pine Pollen Tincture and our EndocrineStrengthening Formula Tincture (ESF), about which one we recommend over the other. And we always recommend that people take Endocrine Strengthening Formula over our Pine Pollen Tincture, or to use Pine Pollen Tincture to an already comprehensive herbal protocol. Here, I want to cover why we make that recommendation. An …
Jul 10, 2011 Ryan Wade