
Improving Extracts and Formulas in the Product Collection

Improving Extracts and Formulas in the Product Collection

A Commitment to Quality Over Quantity

In the week ahead, we will be relaunching a selection of our cherished products and customer favorites. These updates align with our primary focus in product development at RAW Forest Foods: making subtle yet meaningful improvements to the products and formulas already in our catalog. In a world that frequently values quantity over quality, we are making a concerted effort to prioritize delivering the finest possible products rather than merely offering an abundance of new options.

Cistanche Tubulosa Extract Powder for sale at RAW Forest FoodsLost Desert Oasis Cistanche tubulosa Extract

RAW Forest Foods first introduced Cistanche tubulosa in the Spring of 2012, making us the first company in the US to offer this valuable herb. At the time, I still needed to fully realize the true significance of Cistanche tubulosa and how well it would serve our community of customers.

Since its introduction, we have kept the product unchanged, only increasing the package size. However, we have now significantly upgraded the extraction strength, raising it from the 10x (10:1) we initially offered to our 50:1 unstandardized extract, as is available in our Pine Pollen Extract and Nettle Root Extract.

On the most fundamental level, Cistanche tubulosa is an adaptogen working with the body to promote improvement.

In Chinese medicine, Cistanche, known as Rou Cong Rong (肉苁蓉), is used to nourish the Kidney, Jing, Marrow, and (in women) warm the uterus. These actions demonstrate the remarkable regenerative capabilities of Cistanche at the most fundamental level of health.

Cistanche is also well-studied in contemporary research, with studies suggesting a wide range of potential benefits, including improved circulation, brain health protection, immunity, endocrine function, and skin health.

The price of this product will inevitably increase due to the 5x increase in potency, which comes with a significant increase in our costs. While we cannot avoid this price increase, we can assure you that we are not raising the price beyond what is necessary to cover the additional extraction costs. Please visit the product page to learn more about Lost Desert Oasis Cistanche tubulosa Extract Powder.

Elevated Tongkat Ali Extract Powder

Our customers are well aware of our preference for broad, full-spectrum extracts over isolated extracts, especially when it comes to Tongkat Ali.

As I learned more about this herb and read the research papers about Tongkat Ali, I became increasingly convinced of the benefits of using a full-spectrum extract, such as a 200:1.

This preference for a broad-spectrum extract arises because Tongkat Ali—when sourced from true Eurycoma longifolia—boasts a wide range of potential therapeutic benefits. To fully capitalize on everything this herb offers, it is necessary to capture all the compounds it contains.

Research on Tongkat Ali has revealed the potential for:

  • Anti-inflammatory effects;
  • Antiviral properties;
  • Increased dopamine (the neurotransmitter responsible for desire and motivation);
  • Improved blood flow;
  • Male reproductive health, including prostate health;
  • Cognitive enhancement;
  • Supporting the body's production of male sex hormones, including testosterone;
  • Anti-cancer and anti-tumor properties, including benefits against prostate cancer cells (it is crucial to emphasize that RAW Forest Foods is not claiming that Tongkat Ali—or any product—is a cure for cancer). *

Learn more about these properties in our Upgraded Tongkat Ali Extract Capsules blog post.

The Addition of an Isolated Eurycomanone Extract

It may seem contradictory that we have decided to add an isolated Eurycomanone extract to our Tongkat Ali Extract Powder (which we have already done with our Tongkat Ali Extract Capsules), given our preference for broad, full-spectrum extracts.

Eurycomanone is one of the beneficial compounds found in Tongkat Ali and is responsible for the pro-androgenic benefits of the herb (i.e., its ability to support improved testosterone production).

Most customers—perhaps all—who are incorporating Tongkat Ali into their herbal medicine routine are doing so for this very purpose: to support improved testosterone production.

Using a combination of a broad-spectrum extract with an isolated extract allows us to reap all of the potential benefits of the herb while still targeting its pro-androgenic properties.

Our Elevated Tongkat Ali Extract Powder contains the following:

  • Tongkat Ali Root Extract—Broad, full-spectrum 200:1 extract—75% of the formula
  • Tongkat Ali Root Extract—Standardized to 2% Eurycomanone—25% of the formula

I am thoroughly impressed by the combination of the two and only wish we had made this move sooner. Follow this link to purchase Elevated Tongkat Ali Extract Powder.

Elevated Pine Pollen and Nettle Root Extract Powder

We upgraded our Elevated Pine Pollen and Nettle Root Extract Powder formula by adding RAW Pine Pollen.

Previously, as an extract powder, this product contained only Pine Pollen and Nettle Root extracts ( the capsules have always contained RAW Pine Pollen in addition to Pine Pollen Extract). Because of the uniqueness of RAW Pine Pollen and the foundational support it offers, we are now including it in this formula.

If we constructed a hierarchy of the different preparations of Pine Pollen, RAW Pine Pollen would be at the top, followed by Pine Pollen Extract Powder, and then Pine Pollen Tincture.

Here, we add just enough RAW Pine Pollen to activate the formula—laying the groundwork for the extract and for Nettle Root extract to excel truly.

The concentrations of the ingredients in the formula are:

  • Pine Pollen Extract — Full Spectrum, full potency, unstandardized Extract — 50% of the formula.
  • Stinging Nettle Root Extract— Full Spectrum, full potency, unstandardized extract — 30% of the formula.
  • RAW Pine Pollen™ — 20% of the formula.

You can purchase Elevated Pine Pollen and Nettle Root Extract Powder here.

Exploring the Elwha River Deep in the Olympic National Park

Elwha River Deer Antler and Eucommia Bark

Elwha River is receiving two upgrades, with improvements to the Deer Antler and Eucommia Bark.

This formula is a strong Yang restorative.

Deer Antler (Lu Rong in Chinese Medicine) works fundamentally, similar to RAW Pine Pollen and Cistanche.

At its core, Deer Antler is a Jing and Yuan Qi restorative, lending credence and parallels to its use in the West for anti-aging, repairing tendons and ligaments, and restoring sexual and reproductive function in women and men.

In Chinese Medicine, Deer Antler:

  • Is a Kidney tonic;
  • Strengthens and warms Yang
  • Strengthens Jing, Blood, the sinews (tendons and ligaments), bone, and marrow,
  • Tonifies and nourishes Qi.

The Kidney (written in the singular) houses the Jing and Yuan Qi, governing growth and development, reproduction as sexuality, and rule birth, growth, development, reproduction, and sexuality, and gives rise to the Yin and Yang of the body.

Eucommia Bark synergizes with Deer Antler.

With properties similar to Deer Antler, Eucommia (Du Zhong in Chinese Medicine) has the added benefit of improving circulation and reducing blood pressure.* Improved circulation enables the two herbs to diffuse their actions throughout the body.

Eucommia Bark is a:

  • Kidney and Liver tonic;
  • Strengthens sinews and bones;
  • Promotes Qi and Blood circulation;
  • Lowers blood pressure;
  • Kidney Yang tonic.*

We made subtle yet dramatic changes to the formula here. We improved the powdered Deer Antler Velvet, still ethically collected, by opting for a more expensive and rare unextracted powder to preserve its bio-actives. Contrary to what might be assumed, the unextracted powder is more potent and valuable.

Elwha River is formulated Deer Antler and Eucommia Bark at a 1:1, equal parts ratio, only now we are combining the broad, full spectrum extract previously in the formula with an extract isolated to contain Std. to 25% Chlorogenic Acid. Chlorogenic Acid is the identified active compound in Eucommia Bark.

The breakdown of ingredients is as follows:

  • Deer Antler Velvet — Powdered; Select-harvested — 50% of the formula.
  • Eucommia Bark Extract — Full spectrum 10:1 extraction — 25% of the formula.
  • Eucommia Bark Extract — Standardized to contain 25% Chlorogenic Acid.

Learn more about this restorative yang tonic at the Elwha River product page.

TapRoot Deep Jing

Experience the Power of TapRoot Deep Jing

TapRoot Deep Jing has earned its status as a customer favorite for a good reason: it works. We formulated it to restore the body and help it manage stress, energy, and hormone function more efficiently, even though it may not have the flashy appeal of some others.

But what does this mean? Adaptogens and tonics can improve the body's ability to cope with stress and maintain healthy energy and hormone levels. TapRoot provides the fuel that adaptogens need to work effectively. It helps build your internal reserves, making it the go-to choice for those feeling burnt out and exhausted.

Some may advise an extra cup of coffee to boost energy, but this is only a temporary solution that does not address underlying deficiencies or imbalances in the body. With its specific blend of therapeutic herbs, including Dang Shen, Goji Berry, Glossy Privet, Cuscuta, Bai Zhu, and Bu Gu Zhi, TapRoot strengthens and replenishes vital reserves of Yin, Yuan Qi, and Jing, while also helping the body clear Heat (a concept in Chinese Medicine similar to inflammation).

Formula Improvements:

We have improved the Goji Berry in this formula by using a standardized extract containing 50% polysaccharides. When used correctly, Goji Berry is an important and restorative herb in Chinese Medicine, known for its ability to tonify the Kidney and Liver Yin. TapRoot Deep Jing can be purchased here.

Aug 04, 2021 Ryan Wade

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